Shantidev Oliver Graf
Since adolescence Shantidev has devoted his life to the spiritual quest. Seeking an alternative way of living that would fulfill his high ideals, he found in the Ananda Assisi community a perfect laboratory that encompasses simple living with elevated thoughts and practical idealism. Among his many talents, Shantidev is a gifted artist, and has created many beautiful works of art. He calls his current creations ‘Light Sculptures’ – absolutely stunning works of art based on sacred geometry. His work sells in many countries around the world.
In his 30 years of community experience, Shantidev has served in various fields: seeing the need for a new economic model, he co-founded the natural products and yoga cooperative “Inner Life,” where he served as director and administrator for many years. Art is one of his passions, and understanding the great social need for transformative new creative expression, he co-founded the Academy of Art, Creativity and Mindfulness. In addition to being a teacher and minister at Ananda, he has also served as coordinator and president of the Ananda Community Federation, believing strongly that small communities are a solution for our troubled times.